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Hush! Hush! Somebody’s calling my name—! Spiritual Healing Homework during COVID19

Hush! Hush! Somebody’s calling my name—!

COVID19 is deadly serious. It is historic. We've never been here before. This virus is not discriminating. We are ALL vulnerable. We are all subject to contract this sickness. The CDC has encouraged us to wear a mask and cover our eyes when in public spaces for essential matters. Governors and elected officials have closed all non-essential businesses. The world is shut down. Citizens and workers have been told to stay home, shelter in place and go SIT DOWN somewhere!

Veronica Very, Founder & Visionary, Wonder of Women, Iconic Black Women & HV blackARTdesign. Photo Credit: Lydia Kearney Carlis, Eyemagination Imaging

Our souls need a resting. Spiritually and metaphorically speaking, global pandemics could be a demand for humanity to heal? Could it be a cataclysmic reflection of collective need to address personal pandemics denied, suppressed, ignored or avoided? Have we been pressing and suppressing our TRUTH into the earth? Silencing the moaning and groaning in our soul? Snuffing out warning calls to be still? Could it be that we've been refusing to pay attention and make a change?

As a society, we've been distracted and tone deaf while Mother Earth and humanity is moaning and groaning for healing. Humanity is calibrating and processing and shifting and healing and changing through trauma, death and the unknown! And whether WE admit it or not— most of us are scared as hell!! Disrupt all distractions. No more running, ducking, dodging and hiding— LEAN IN!!

Honey listennnn— Your anger is valid. Your pain is valid. Your confusion is valid. Your grief is valid. Your feelings are VALID. And so too are they valid for your circle of family and loved ones. Don’t trip with friends, family or random people who haven’t replied to your message or called you back... Nor folks who disagreed with you recently, snapped at you, or didn’t make your project their priority... Reality check aloud daily. Don’t trip over conscious and/or unconscious irritability, panic , stress and anxiety— emotional rollercoasters are VERY REAL. Allow folks time to take their time on their terms and pace without judgement. Be gracious.

We’ve all been summoned for a meeting with ourselves and our God. A High Place meeting where new disciplines, habits and norms will be established. This is a time to embrace comfort your way without being excessive. What appears to be healthy or good could be emotional punishment and fear in disguise. No food shaming and guilt trips allowed. Cut that out. Don’t trip about having a cookie, a piece of cake, or slice of pie!? As a matter of fact— here’s your permission slip! Oh and those unrelenting routines you were keeping— don’t feel guilty/obligated to keep up with your old normal practice. Nothing else matters but our safety, social distancing, washing our hands, covering our eyes and mouth in public and breathing deeply.

Hush... Hush... somebody’s calling your name! Turn off the inner chatter. Be QUIET. Be still. Breathe. Listen. Listen. Listen. Many of us are preaching sermons to someone else that we need to be preaching to ourselves. I'm not suggesting that you throw out what calibrates you. I'm suggesting that you allow yourself to be comforted without unhealthy guilt. I'm offering that practicing GRACE... COMPASSION... LOVE... and TRUTH... can provide balance and calm.

Some of us will live THROUGH this pandemic. Some of us won't. The question becomes— how will we make this historical pandemic and window of time count!? What do we need to tell ourselves the truth about?

When your quiet time and stillness says it’s ok... Here is a spiritual healing assignment for your journal. Don't rush through this assignment. Take your time. Ponder each question for at least one full day. Grab a cup of coffee or tea (with a piece of your favorite cake! lol) and answer these questions truthfully:

1. How do I feel? Why? (Name it!)

2. What area of my life requires my attention? (Jot down columns and fill them in)

3. What is this moment teaching me? (Without over intellectualizing or making your answer too deep. Just tell the truth!)

4. How can I innovate and what will I create in this season?

5. Where can I shift and/or pivot for healthy change?

Imagine the feeling of peace and power you could feel in the middle of a forest. When it becomes quiet all around, imagine the proud stature, aging wisdom and calming presence of the trees talking to you. Or the placidity of peace across a beautiful river surrounded by mountains that offer you a song... Employ your imagination to summon a message to your soul.

INHERENT in every disaster is opportunity and DESTINY for us to choose. The TRUTH will make you FREE to practice GRACE, LOVE and COMPASSION all the way through. The answers will come when we allow SILENCE and STILLNESS to have our attention. When we QUIET OUR MINDS and DETOX from all the distractions and unreasonable pace and expectations we’ve allowed to run the show in our lives.

Hush! Hush! Somebody’s calling my name! Oh my Lord, oh my Lord, what shall I do? Be still. Be quiet. Listen. Practice grace, truth, love and compassion. We will get through this! If we're intentional--- we'll be better.

For the latest COVID19 updates and information visit - Veronica Very is Founder and Visionary, Wonder of Women International, Iconic Black Women and HV blackARTdesign.


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